Smart Totes

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A Fire every two hours!

The NFPA October 2012 report on fires involving torches and burners found that US fire departments responded to an average of 5,230 fires a year from soldering, brazing, welding and cutting equipment. That is more than a fire every two hours! Half of these fires were from soldering.

$255 Million Dollars

On average, these fires were responsible for 10 deaths and 210 injuries. That is almost someone getting injured every business day of the year from these fires! If the injuries weren’t enough, these fires were responsible for $255 million dollars in property loss.

Fire Extinguisher

OSHA 1910.252 has always required “suitable fire Extinguishing equipment shall be maintained in a state of readiness for instant use” when Welding, Cutting or Brazing.Too often we forget to take the fire extinguisher from the truck when we get the portable Oxygen/Acetylene set to make a quick repair.Don’t gamble with your customers property. With Smart Tote you have everything you plan to use and what you hope you don’t need!

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